

1988年, 經歷一波三折原西谷中文學校國語班的遷校計畫終於塵埃落定, 新校順利誕生了。校址為 Cupertino的Homestead高中, 校名為“日新”, 取其意為日新又新。首屆校長是鄭正義先生。這學年有幼稚班到四年級中文班及實驗班(現CSL班),也開有中華文化班(現課外活動班) ,招收社區內對中華文化有興趣的人士。


1990年,展開與主流社區的溝通。經由Cupertino學區委員隋景祿先生的安排,陸續接受Cupertino市長,經理,FUHSD學區總監來校訪問。他們對於本校在無外援,每學期只收80元學費,工作人員完全義務服務情形下提供如此大規模高品質的社區服務,補充正式學校無法提供的教育,十分欽佩。 學區總監熱心支持高中學校承認本校的課業學分,開啟了中文為主流學校認可的第一步。

如今,三十年後,中文已成為高中學區的主要外語課程。其間,本校的幾項重大發展如下: 1996年第一屆12年級畢業班; 2006年開始招收簡體班; 2018年開始正簡體合班授課; 2019年3月在COVID-19疫情初期展開遠距教學, 持續至今。

執筆: 龍啟華 10/2020

Rainbow Chinese School - A Walk Down Memory Lane

In 1988, the relocation plan for the Mandarin class of the original West Valley Chinese School was finally settled, and a new school was born. Located at the Homestead High School in Cupertino, the school was called 日新, to mean a new day each day. Our very first principal was Mr. Zheng Zhengyi. That school year, there were Chinese classes from preschool to fourth grade and experimental classes (now CSL class). There was also a Chinese culture class (currently the extracurricular classes) to attract people in the community who were interested in Chinese culture.

The following year, the number of enrollment increased greatly, and the enrollment was full within one day, totalling 426. During the school year, we hosted the Association of Northern California Chinese School (ANCCS) sports competition, participated in the TCAAT athletic events and the ANCCS Academic Contest.

In 1990, communication with the mainstream community started. Cupertino mayor, city manager, and FUHSD superintendent visited the school, arranged by CUSD board member Mr. Sui Jinglu. They were very surprised to know RCS did not receive any external aid and only charged $80 tuition per semester while the volunteer staff provided such large-scale and high-quality community service, supplementing the education that formal schools cannot provide. Truly an amazing group of people! The superintendent enthusiastically supported FUHSD schools to recognize RCS, CCS, and SVCS (three Chinese Schools) academic credits, which was the first step for us to become recognized by the mainstream institutions in Chinese language teaching.

Today, thirty years later, Chinese has become the main foreign language course in FUHSD. Through the years, RCS has had:

  • The first 12th grade graduating class in 1996

  • Simplified Chinese classes start in 2006

  • Simplified/Traditional Chinese joint classes start in 2018

  • In March 2020, RCS instituted distance learning in response to the CoViD-19 pandemic, so as not to interrupt our students’ education.

Chea-Hwa Siu

Principal, 10/2020