總務 General Affair

Post date: Sep 07, 2016 7:2:38 AM

學校行事曆可上網查詢,並下載。請多利用網站各項資料,增進您對學校的了解。 RCS school calendar is available for download on RCS website. Choose "CALENDAR" on the left column. For other information, please navigate through our website to further understand how RCS operates.

請有興趣做交通指揮或幫忙年度內園遊會等各項活動的家長們到辦公室與總務處接洽。已報名者請保持與總務組的聯繫,準時報到。Please stop by the office to inquire about traffic and various event (festival, etc.) duties. To those who signed- up for GA volunteer service, kindly respond to the email sent to confirm if the assigned dates work for you. Thank you very much for stepping up.