Safety Staff

交通指揮及安全人員 (Traffic & Safty Staff)





安全人員依據各班註冊時登記的名單,以一班 ( 兩人 ) 為單位安排日期輪流執行校區安全。安全人員巡邏範圍包括教室,走廊,樓梯,學生活動區及停車場等依情況需要行使工作職責。值勤人員須於八點四十五分前抵達辦公室簽到,至中午十二時結束。


    1. 制止學生在走廊或樓梯口上下奔跑,更禁止學生從樓上拋棄物品至樓下(或噴水)以確保行人安全。

    2. 上課時間巡邏校區,若有學生還在教室外遊蕩,規勸他 (她) 們回教室,否則帶回辦公室處理。

    3. 若有非本校人員在學校內惹事生非,請立即通知辦公室,校方會斟酌是否應通知警方而加以處置。

    4. 停車場上要指揮交通,以孩子的安全為第一優先,並隨時留意自身的安全。*家長需護送小孩通過停車場.*

    5. 發現學生攜帶槍械,武器或毒品到學校來,請立即通知校方,由學校依法處置。

    6. 當地震來襲,火災發生或防火演習時,協助老師指揮學生,迅速有序地離開教室,到指定的安全區集合點名。

    7. 任何學生有可能造成危害自己或他人的行為,都要立即制止。



The purpose of this guideline is to clarify and to enforce safety rules to protect and maintain the Rainbow Chinese students' safety.


School Safety Coordinator will create a weekly rotation schedule for the members of the safety staff. The staff shall consist of two parents selected by the PARENT Representative from each class. They will enforce the safety rules in the following areas: classrooms, hallways, stairs, playgrounds and parking lots. The safety staff shall sign in before 8:45 AM in the office and finish at noon.


    1. Running in the hallways or the stairs is prohibited. Throwing items down or squirting water from the second floor is absolutely prohibited as it will may cause the safety concerns to the pedestrians.

    2. Instruct the students who are found loitering outside during class hours to return to their classrooms. If the students refuse to follow the order, escort them to the office. Let staff handle this situation.

    3. If there is a disturbance caused by non RCS members, notify the school staff immediately. School administration will decide if the police should be notified.

    4. Any parent who is in charge of directing the traffic at the parking area should keep our students and himself/herself safety as the top priority. * Parents must escort students across the parking lot.

    5. We enforce ZERO TOLERANCE policy. No weapons or illegal drugs are allowed on campus. Any violation will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION. Any violation, please notify school staff immediately.

    6. In the event of an earthquake, fire or an emergency drill, help the teachers quickly and orderly evacuate the classrooms. Roll call will be performed at the designated regrouping areas.

    7. Any inappropriate actions by the student, such as horsing around in dangerous areas, should be stopped immediately to avoid causing any personal injury.